In C, you can obtain the memory address of a variable using the address-of operator (&). The address of a variable represents the location in the computer's memory where the variable is stored. Here's a simple example:

#include <stdio.h>


int main() {

    int x = 42;


    // Print the value and memory address of the variable x

    printf("Value of x: %d\n", x);

    printf("Memory address of x: %p\n", (void*)&x);


    return 0;



The variable x is declared and initialized with the value 42.

The &x expression is used to obtain the memory address of the variable x.

The %p format specifier is used in printf to print the memory address. The (void*) cast is used to match the expected argument type for %p.


Creating a memory address diagram in C involves visualizing the memory locations associated with variables in a program. Each variable occupies a specific memory address, and understanding the layout of these addresses can be helpful for understanding memory allocation. Below is a simple example of a memory address diagram for a C program.

#include <stdio.h>


int main() {

    // Variables

    int x = 5;

    float y = 3.14;

    char z = 'A';


    // Print addresses and values

    printf("Address of x: %p, Value: %d\n", (void*)&x, x);

    printf("Address of y: %p, Value: %.2f\n", (void*)&y, y);

    printf("Address of z: %p, Value: %c\n", (void*)&z, z);


    return 0;



This program declares three variables (x, y, and z) of different data types and prints their memory addresses and values. Let's represent the memory address diagram for this program:


|         Memory Layout       |


|         Address             |         Value


|         0x7ffd43f10314      |         5   (int x)


|         0x7ffd43f10318      |       3.14  (float y)


|         0x7ffd43f1031c      |         A   (char z)



Each variable has an associated memory address, which is obtained using the & operator in C.

The void* cast is used to print the memory address using %p in printf.

The values of the variables (x, y, and z) are stored at their respective memory addresses.