Introduction to Java
- What we will cover
- History and features of Java programming language.
- Why to learn Java programming, Audience and Pre-requisites
- Paradigms
- Diff b/w Java & Other (C,C++)
- Setting up the Java development environment.
- Structure of a Java program.
- Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and bytecode.
Basic Syntax and Data Types
- Variables
- Data types
- Type conversion
- Operators and expressions.
- Constants and modifiers
- Keywords
- Comments
Control Flow
- Conditional statements
- if
- if-else
- switch-case
- Looping structures
- for loop
- while loop
- do-while loop
- Loop control statements
- break
- continue
- Conditional statements
- Declaring and accessing arrays.
- Array initialization and manipulation.
- Multi-dimensional arrays.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
- Introduction to OOPS concepts
- Class
- Object
- Static Keywords
- Constructors
- This keyword
- Inheritance
- Super keyword
- Polymorphism (Over Loading & Over Riding)
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Abstract Classes
- Interfaces
Methods and Parameters:
- Defining and invoking methods.
- Method parameters (passing by value, passing by reference).
- Method overloading and overriding.
- Recursion and recursive methods.
- String Manipulation
- String
- String Buffer
- String Tokenizer
Packages and Imports:
- Creating and organizing packages.
- Importing classes and packages.
- Accessing classes in different packages.
- Classpath and jar files.
Exception Handling:
- Understanding exceptions and errors.
- Try-catch blocks and handling exceptions.
- Throwing and creating custom exceptions.
- Exception propagation and finally block
- Multithreading
Thread Creations
Thread Life Cycle
Life Cycle Methods
SynchronizationWait() notify() notify all() methods
File Handling:
- Reading from and writing to files.
- File input/output streams.
- Character streams and byte streams.
- Exception handling with file operations.
Java Collections Framework:
- Introduction to collections and data structures.
- Lists, sets, and maps.
- Collection interfaces and implementations.
- Iterating and manipulating collections.
- Understanding generics in Java.
- Type parameters and type safety.
- Generics in classes, interfaces, and methods.
- Bounded types and wildcards.
JDBC and Database Connectivity:
- Connecting to databases using JDBC.
- Executing SQL queries and retrieving results.
- Prepared statements and parameterized queries.
- Transaction management and error handling.
GUI Programming with Swing:
- Creating graphical user interfaces.
- Swing components and layout managers.
- Event handling and listeners.
- Swing threading and SwingWorker.
Java Standard Library:
- Overview of the Java Standard Library.
- Input/output operations.
- String manipulation and regular expressions.
- Date and time handling