C Program to Find the Area of a Circle
#include <stdio.h>
//Defining the value of pi upto 6 decimal places
#define pi 3.141592
int main()
float radius;
printf("Enter Radius of Circle:\n");
// Calculate the area of the circle
float area=pi*radius*radius;
// Print the area of the circle, rounded to two decimal places
printf("The area of Circle with radius %0.2f is: %0.2f",radius,area);
return 0;
Runtime Test Cases
Testcase 1: In this case, input the radius as “10” to calculate the area of the circle.
Enter Radius of Circle:
The area of Circle with radius 10 is: 314.16
Testcase 2: In this case, input the radius as “11.1” to calculate the area of the circle.
Enter Radius of Circle:
The area of Circle with radius 11.1 is: 387.08
C Program to Find Area of Parallelogram
* C Program to Find Area of Parallelogram
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
float base, altitude;
float area;
printf("Enter base and altitude of the given Parallelogram: \n ");
scanf("%f%f", &base, &altitude);
area = base * altitude;
printf("Area of Parallelogram is: %.3f\n", area);
return 0;
Runtime Test Cases
$ cc pgm27.c
$ a.out
Enter base and altitude of the given Parallelogram:
17 19
Area of Parallelogram is: 323.000
C Program to Find the Area of Different Geometrical Shapes
* C program to find the areas of different geometrical shapes such as
* circle, square, rectangle etc using switch statements.
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int fig_code;
float side, base, length, breadth, height, area, radius;
printf(" 1 --> Circle\n");
printf(" 2 --> Rectangle\n");
printf(" 3 --> Triangle\n");
printf(" 4 --> Square\n");
printf("Enter the Figure code\n");
scanf("%d", &fig_code);
case 1:
printf("Enter the radius\n");
scanf("%f", &radius);
area = 3.142 * radius * radius;
printf("Area of a circle = %f\n", area);
case 2:
printf("Enter the breadth and length\n");
scanf("%f %f", &breadth, &length);
area = breadth * length;
printf("Area of a Reactangle = %f\n", area);
case 3:
printf("Enter the base and height\n");
scanf("%f %f", &base, &height);
area = 0.5 * base * height;
printf("Area of a Triangle = %f\n", area);
case 4:
printf("Enter the side\n");
scanf("%f", &side);
area = side * side;
printf("Area of a Square=%f\n", area);
printf("Error in figure code\n");
Runtime Test Cases
$ cc pgm77.c
$ a.out
1 --> Circle
2 --> Rectangle
3 --> Triangle
4 --> Square
Enter the Figure code
Enter the radius
Area of a circle = 2827.800049
$ a.out
1 --> Circle
2 --> Rectangle
3 --> Triangle
4 --> Square
Enter the Figure code
Enter the breadth and length
20 30
Area of a Reactangle = 600.000000
$ a.out
1 --> Circle
2 --> Rectangle
3 --> Triangle
4 --> Square
Enter the Figure code
Enter the base and height
45 80
Area of a Triangle = 1800.000000
$ a.out
1 --> Circle
2 --> Rectangle
3 --> Triangle
4 --> Square
Enter the Figure code
Enter the side
Area of a Square=10000.000000
C Program to Find Volume and Surface Area of Cylinder
* C Program to Find the Volume and Surface Area of cylinder
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
float radius, height;
float surface_area, volume;
printf("Enter value for radius and height of a cylinder : \n");
scanf("%f%f", &radius, &height);
surface_area = 2 * (22 / 7) * radius * (radius + height);
volume = (22 / 7) * radius * radius * height;
printf("Surface area of cylinder is: %.3f", surface_area);
printf("\n Volume of cylinder is : %.3f", volume);
return 0;
Runtime Test Cases
$ cc pgm29.c -lm
$ a.out
Enter value for radius and height of a cylinder :
15 17
Surface area of cylinder is: 2880.000
Volume of cylinder is : 11475.000
C Program to Find the Perimeter of a Circle, Rectangle and Triangle
* C Program to Find the Perimeter of a Circle, Rectangle and Triangle
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int main()
float radius, length, width, a, b, c, height;
int n;
float perimeter;
//Perimeter of rectangle
printf(" \n Perimeter of rectangle \n");
printf("\n Enter width and length of the rectangle : ");
scanf("%f%f", &width,& length);
perimeter = 2 * (width + length);
printf("Perimeter of rectangle is: %.3f", perimeter);
//Perimeter of triangle
printf("\n Perimeter of triangle n");
printf("\n Enter the size of all sides of the triangle : ");
scanf("%f%f%f", &a, &b, &c);
perimeter = a + b + c;
printf("Perimeter of triangle is: %.3f", perimeter);
//Perimeter of circle
printf(" \n Perimeter of circle \n");
printf("\n Enter the radius of the circle : ");
scanf("%f", &radius);
perimeter = 2 * (22 / 7) * radius;
printf("Perimeter of circle is: %.3f", perimeter);
//Perimeter of equilateral triangle
printf(" \n Perimeter of equilateral triangle \n");
printf("\n Enter any side of the equilateral triangle : ");
scanf("%f", &a);
perimeter = 3 * a;
printf("Perimeter of equilateral triangle is: %.3f", perimeter);
//Perimeter of right angled triangle
printf(" \n Perimeter of right angled triangle \n");
printf("\n Enter the width and height of the right angled triangle : ");
scanf("%f%f", &width, &height);
perimeter = width + height + sqrt(width * width + height * height);
printf("Perimeter of right angled triangle is: %.3f", perimeter);
return 0;
Runtime Test Cases
$ cc pgm32.c -lm
$ a.out
Perimeter of rectangle
Enter width and length of the rectangle : 12 13
Perimeter of rectangle is: 50.000
Perimeter of triangle
Enter the size of all sides of the triangle : 12 16 18
Perimeter of triangle is: 46.000
Perimeter of circle
Enter the radius of the circle : 10
Perimeter of circle is: 60.000
Perimeter of equilateral triangle
Enter any side of the equilateral triangle : 19 34
Perimeter of equilateral triangle is: 57.000
Perimeter of right angled triangle
Enter the width and height of the right angled triangle : 5 7
Perimeter of right angled triangle is: 73.366