Introduction to PHP:
- Index
- History and features of PHP
- Setting up the PHP development environment.
- Running PHP scripts.
PHP Syntax and Variables:
- Variables, data types, and type conversion.
- Operators and expressions.
- Constants and predefined variables.
- Variable scope and superglobals.
Control Structures:
- Conditional statements (if-else, switch-case).
- Looping structures (for loop, while loop, foreach loop).
- Loop control statements (break, continue).
Functions and Parameters:
- Defining and calling functions.
- Function parameters (passing by value, passing by reference).
- Return values and recursion.
- Variable scope and global/local variables.
Arrays and Array Functions:
- Indexed arrays, associative arrays, and multidimensional arrays.
- Array operations (adding, removing, modifying elements).
- Array functions (sorting, searching, merging, slicing).
Strings and String Functions:
- String manipulation and concatenation.
- String functions (length, substring, search, replace).
- String formatting and regular expressions.
File Handling:
- Reading and writing files.
- File modes and file pointers.
- File operations (opening, closing, checking existence).
- Exception handling with file operations.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
- Introduction to OOP concepts.
- Classes, objects, and properties.
- Methods, constructors, and destructors.
- Inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.
Database Connectivity:
- Connecting to databases (e.g., MySQL, SQLite).
- Executing SQL queries and retrieving results.
- Prepared statements and parameterized queries.
- Error handling and transaction management.
Form Handling and Validation:
- Working with HTML forms and form data.
- Form input validation and sanitization.
- Handling form submissions and displaying errors.
Cookies and Sessions:
- Managing user sessions and cookies.
- Storing and retrieving session data.
- Implementing secure session handling.
Error Handling and Exception Handling:
- Understanding errors, warnings, and notices.
- Handling errors and displaying error messages.
- Using try-catch blocks for exception handling.
PHP and Web Security:
- Input validation and sanitization.
- Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) prevention.
- Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection.
- SQL Injection prevention and data encryption.
PHP and Web APIs:
- Consuming and integrating with web APIs.
- Making HTTP requests (GET, POST, etc.).
- Handling JSON/XML responses.
- Authentication and API key usage.
PHP Frameworks:
- Introduction to popular PHP frameworks (e.g., Laravel, Symfony, CodeIgniter).
- MVC architecture and framework components.
- Building web applications with frameworks.