A string is a sequence of characters, and it is one of the fundamental data types. Strings are used to represent text and are enclosed in either single (') or double (") quotes. Here are some basic concepts and operations related to strings in Python:

Creating string

# Using single quotes

single_quoted_string = 'Hello, World!'


# Using double quotes

double_quoted_string = "Python is awesome."


# Using triple quotes for multiline strings

multiline_string = '''This is a



Accessing character in string

text = "Python"

first_char = text[0]  # Access the first character (indexing starts from 0)

last_char = text[-1]  # Access the last character

substring = text[1:4]  # Access a substring (slicing)

String concatenation

str1 = "Hello"

str2 = "World"

concatenated_string = str1 + ", " + str2 + "!"


# Output: Hello, World!

String methods

message = "python programming"


# Capitalize the first letter

capitalized = message.capitalize()


# Convert to uppercase

uppercase = message.upper()


# Find the index of a substring

index = message.find("python")


# Replace a substring

new_message = message.replace("programming", "is fun")


# Check if the string starts with a specific prefix

starts_with = message.startswith("python")


# Split the string into a list of words

word_list = message.split()


# Check if the string contains only alphanumeric characters

is_alphanumeric = message.isalnum()

String formatting

name = "Alice"

age = 30

formatted_string = f"My name is {name} and I am {age} years old."


# Output: My name is Alice and I am 30 years old.

Escape characters

escaped_string = "This is a \"quote\" and this is a newline:\nNew line."


# Output: This is a "quote" and this is a newline:

# New line.